Trees Roots Can Lead To Sewer Line Replacement in Springfield Missouri

Tree Roots Can Lead To Sewer Line Replacement in Springfield Missouri

Plumbing problems that impact your pipes can vary greatly, but one you may not think about until it's too late are tree roots. A tree’s root system is constantly burrowing deeper into the ground in search of moisture, which makes your sewer line a prime target for invasion. But what can be done to prevent tree roots from leading to needing sewer line replacement in Springfield Missouri?

Upgrade Your Pipes

It should be noted that not all piping is susceptible to tree roots. Most newer plumbing systems that utilize PVC are generally safe, but older pipes, such as those made of clay or cast iron, contain seams and a shorter service life that make them prime targets for root attacks. If you have older pipes, upgrading to PVC can go a long way into root-proofing your plumbing.

Physical Barriers

Tree roots won’t dig into your pipes if they can’t reach them. Physical barriers made of metal or wood can be set up along the length of your pipes. On reaching these barriers, the roots will continue growing in a different direction. Consider consulting a local arborist to determine the best method for your situation.

Remove Trees

You may not be keen on the idea of removing a tree from your property, but the older a tree is, the deeper its root system, and the higher likelihood of potential pipe damage and the need for sewer line replacement.


You can cut roots off by dispersing slow-release chemicals between the tree and your sewer line, such as copper sulfate or potassium hydroxide. Copper sulfate in particular is a historically popular choice for pest control, so you can get a two for one by also controlling the tree root growth.

Be On The Lookout

If you’re noticing regular backups in your plumbing, roots may have already invaded. It's much better to catch these potential dangers early while they can still be repaired before they become problems where the only solution is replacement. Regular drain inspections by a professional plumber in Springfield Missouri can alert you to invasive root systems that might be moving toward your sewer line. United Plumbing offers a sewer camera inspection service.

Whether you want to catch a root invasion before it begins or need help dealing with tree roots that have already become a problem, give the pros at United Plumbing a call and let us help you keep your pipes flowing smoothly.

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