Kitchen Sink Selection - Plumbing Companies Springfield Missouri

Kitchen Sink Selection – Plumbing Companies Springfield Missouri

One sink or two? Double sink or single?

When it’s time to upgrade your kitchen, there are decisions to make on everything, including the kitchen sink. From cabinet and countertop material to plumbing fixture selection, sometimes it can be difficult to decide what will fit your needs and taste for years to come.

When upgrading your kitchen’s plumbing in Springfield Missouri, there’s one thing that not all homeowners think to add: a second kitchen sink. It may seem extravagant, but a second sink can provide a level of functionality where you need it most. If the budget allows, you may consider adding a second sink. It could be used solely for food prep, allowing your primary sink to function solely for dish and hand washing.

Many of us like to clean as we go, but often times (especially when cooking a large meal) the kitchen sink will fill up with pots and pans, leaving us searching for extra sink space to drain pasta, wash fruits and veggies, and perform other food-related tasks.
With a second sink, you will always have the space to do both.

There’s no reason why both of your kitchen sinks have to be the same — in fact, it may make sense for them to be different. If you have several large pots and pans to clean, a deeper, wider dish sink can make those jobs so much easier.

This brings us to another thing to consider when designing your new kitchen or even upgrading your current sink:

One sink basin or two on your main kitchen sink?

The “dish washer” in the kitchen used to be a person. Now, it is pretty standard to find an automatic dishwasher in most every modern kitchen. Before the days of having a modern appliance to cleans and sanitize your dishes for you, it was crucial to have multiple sink basins for proper washing/sanitation procedures.

While it may still be a personal preference to have a double basin kitchen sink, especially if it’s your only sink, you may want to consider the benefits of having a single basin sink. We have seen more and more homeowners choose single basin kitchen sinks in recent years allowing for more space to wash your large pots and pans. Single versus double basin is really a personal preference with pros and cons to both options, but it’s definitely something worth thinking about while designing your dream kitchen in the near future.

Is a sink upgrade just what your kitchen has been missing? While looking for plumbing companies in Springfield Missouri, contact the licensed, local plumbing pros at United Plumbing to learn more about how you can make this concept a reality.

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