How To Conserve Water - Plumbing Pipe Repair Springfield Missouri

How To Conserve Water – Plumbing Pipe Repair Springfield Missouri

The average person likely doesn’t pay a lot of attention to how much water they use. However, a little mindfulness can save you a lot of money in the long run. Some might require a plumber in Springfield Missouri, but the amount of money saved will ultimately be worth it. Here are some tips from your friends at United Plumbing.

Watch Your Consumption

This is by far the simplest (and most cost-effective) way to shave a few dollars from your water bill. Do big loads of laundry instead of multiple smaller loads that require more water. Try using your dishwasher instead of doing dishes by hand. Take shorter showers. Toilets account for a significant portion of daily water usage, so be mindful of how often you flush. And while it’s important to let your faucets drip in cold weather to keep the water from freezing in the pipes, a little drip will do just fine instead of a stream.


If you notice a higher than normal water bill and are unsure why check for leaks. Anywhere. Pipes in your basement or crawl space. The hot water heater. Even wet spots in your yard could indicate a leak. As mentioned before, toilets use a lot of water, so a leak could be costly. Listen for a telltale hissing noise, and to test it, put a few drops of food coloring in the water tank, wait about half an hour, and if the colored water managed to reach the bowl, there’s a leak. Call United Plumbing if you need a leak repaired in Springfield Missouri.

Old Age

Like everything else, plumbing deteriorates with age. Just because a pipe isn’t leaking doesn’t mean it’s not wasting water. Water fixtures that may at one time have been state of the art may now be outdated and not letting water flow as efficiently as it could be. Water has difficulty flowing through older, corroded pipes, meaning it will take more water and a longer time to reach its destination. Old faucets, toilets, and showerheads might also be using more water than necessary due to old age. Some of these are quick fixes, whereas others might require plumbing services in Springfield Missouri, which we’d be more than happy to provide.

You can save a great deal of money, in the long run, both by simply watching your water consumption and being on the lookout for leaks and inefficient plumbing. Of course, the latter may well require plumbing pipe repair in Springfield MO and we at United Plumbing would be happy to be the ones you call.

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