Clean Your Shower Head or Call A Plumber in Springfield Missouri

Clean Your Shower Head or Call A Plumber in Springfield Missouri

If you've noticed a lack of water pressure during your morning showers, the culprit could be a dirty shower head. Typically, this is due to calcium buildup from hard water.

Have you ever noticed the spray on your shower head veering off in one direction? Maybe you’ve seen the water coming out as more of a trickle than a steady stream. You may even look at your shower head and notice that water isn’t even coming out of many of the shower head’s holes.

You’re only getting a fraction of the water that should be coming out of the shower head. This might be due to the holes being clogged by hardened calcium deposits. These deposits can also corrode your shower head over time, so it is a situation that really needs to be addressed. What your shower head needs is a good cleaning.

Maintaining a clean and functional shower head not only provides a steady and consistent water flow, but it also helps to prevent the buildup of harmful bacteria and mineral deposits.

Let's take a closer look at the steps to effectively clean your shower head, understand why it's important and identify situations when you should consider calling a professional plumber in Springfield Missouri.

The Process of Cleaning Your Shower Head

Cleaning your shower head is a simple yet effective way to maintain the health and efficiency of your bathroom. Start by unscrewing the shower head from the hose or the wall fitting. In most cases, this can be done by hand, but sometimes you may need a wrench. Be sure to place a cloth over the shower head to protect it from scratches.

Once removed, disassemble the shower head as much as possible to expose the internal parts. This step is crucial for thorough cleaning. Soak the components in a bowl filled with equal parts white vinegar and warm water.

Vinegar is an excellent natural cleaning agent that helps dissolve mineral buildup and sanitize the shower head. Let the parts soak for several hours, or overnight for heavy buildup.

After soaking, use an old toothbrush or a small brush to gently scrub away any remaining deposits. Pay special attention to the nozzles, where most of the buildup occurs. Rinse the parts thoroughly with water before reassembling and reattaching the shower head.

Then run some hot water to flush out any remaining cleaning solution or buildup. If water isn’t flowing as smoothly as it should, repeat the process.

Why Cleaning Your Shower Head Matters

Regular cleaning of your shower head is not just about maintaining a strong water flow. It's also about health and safety. Over time, shower heads can harbor bacteria and other microorganisms, including Legionella, which can cause serious respiratory illnesses.

Mineral deposits can also reduce the efficiency of your shower head, leading to higher water bills and a less satisfying shower experience.

When to Call a Professional Plumber

At times, shower head issues might occasionally run deeper than the surface. A simple cleaning may not be enough to solve the problem.

You might need to install a water softener or it might be time to upgrade and replace the shower head.

While regular cleaning is something you can do yourself, there are instances when you should consider calling a professional plumber. If you notice consistent low water pressure, leaks, or if the shower head is damaged during cleaning, it's time to seek professional help.

A skilled plumber can diagnose and fix underlying issues that might not be apparent to the untrained eye. Additionally, if you're uncomfortable disassembling or reassembling your shower head, professional assistance ensures that it's done correctly and safely.

In such instances, reach out to a professional plumbing company in Springfield, Missouri. Whether you need help clearing a clog, replacing your pipes, or anything in between, United Plumbing is your go-to 24/7 plumbing company of choice in the Ozarks.

Maintaining a clean shower head ensures a pleasant and safe shower experience while preventing potential health risks and inefficiencies. However, when faced with more significant issues or if you're not interested in performing these tasks, don't hesitate to call a professional plumber.

Our expertise can save you time, money, and ensure the longevity of your bathroom fixtures.

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