When to Replace Your Sewer Service - Sewer Cleaning Springfield MO

When to Replace Your Sewer Service – Sewer Cleaning Springfield MO

If you have recently experienced issues with your main sewer line and are wondering what, if anything, needs to be done to prevent your plumbing from backing up in the future, you have come to the right place. At United Plumbing, we want you to have the information you need to make the best decision for your home and your finances.

We understand how overwhelming and confusing it can be to receive conflicting information regarding the plumbing in your home. We often receive calls from people who aren’t sure if they actually need a recommended repair or if they are simply being pressured to make a sale. We do our best to help our customers understand how things work when it comes to plumbing and shed light on the situation.

When is it necessary to replace your sewer service line?

The answer is not always simple because it really does vary based on several factors. All sewer lines will eventually need to be replaced. Schedule 40 PVC is the ideal product currently on the market for residential homes. We see this material most commonly used in newer homes built after the 1980s. We rarely have to replace lines that are made out of this material. Most often, when a homeowner is having an issue with a PVC line, it is caused by improper installation.

The sewer service lines in homes built prior to the 1980s are typically the ones we see the most problems with. These lines were installed with materials such as clay and cast iron and are more susceptible to breaks, root growth, and deterioration. These lines will need to be replaced more often, but there are a few things you should consider.

Is the technician able to clear your line?

If a technician arrives at your home to clean your sewer service line and with good effort, is NOT able to clear the blockage in your line, then your sewer line will need to be replaced or repaired. Occasionally hydro-jetting is a feasible option, but only in certain situations. Beware of sales based companies who spend more time selling you on the need for a new line rather than the actual cleaning. A proper line cleaning should take anywhere from 30 minutes to 1 hour.

How long has it been since you last had your line cleaned?

This is a large determining factor in our industry. If you have a sewer cleaning and find that your plumbing is backing up again within the month, then it is probably time to start getting estimates to replace your sewer service line.

What does your budget allow and how often are you willing to deal with an unexpected clog?

If you are having problems with your sewer line, it will eventually need to be repaired or replaced. Knowing the inevitable, if your budget allows, then it may be a good idea to have it repaired at the first sign of issues to give you peace of mind and save money on future cleanings. However, we understand that the finances don’t always allow for “peace of mind” repairs.

To put it simply, if you are experiencing problems with your sewer line, a sewer line replacement or repair is something that will need to be done in the future. The length of time since your last sewer cleaning in Springfield Missouri is how we determine when it’s time to recommend a repair. As always, if you have any questions, need advice, or would like a free estimate, contact our office and we would be glad to help.

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