Water Hammers Need Plumbing Pipe Repair in Springfield Missouri

Water Hammers Need Plumbing Pipe Repair in Springfield Missouri

Have you ever turned your water on or off and felt a sudden jolt, accompanied by an unpleasant, jarring sound? It can be rather startling the first time that you hear it.

Have you ever wondered what causes that to happen? It’s important to know, because it can be potentially damaging your plumbing and require plumbing pipe repair in Springfield Missouri.

What you’re hearing and feeling is known in plumbing terms as hydraulic shock. It is also referred to as a “water hammer,” from the hammer-like sound it makes.

A water hammer is a shockwave created by water suddenly reversing direction or stopping in your plumbing pipes. Most modern plumbing pipes are designed to cushion and absorb the shock of water hammers, but they do have their limits.

Over time, excessive water pressure or poorly tightened pipes can cause the water shock absorption to fail. This can result in pipes gradually loosening or even bursting. As water clangs around the pipes, this might also cause damage to surrounding fixtures due to the pipes shifting around violently.

When that happens, you may need to call on the services of a professional plumbing company in Springfield, Missouri to make some costly plumbing pipe repairs and you might have a big mess from water damage to clean up if a pipe bursts.

If you suspect that repeated water hammers might be causing damage to your plumbing, then you need to have it checked out before things become too severe. We will make sure your pipe fixtures are tight and secure. We may also recommend adding foam insulation to your pipes for extra cushioning.

If your water pressure is regularly more than 55 PSI then water hammers may occur more frequently. In that case, installing a water pressure regulator can help keep those noisy disturbances to a minimum.

Whether you want to prevent water hammers, lessen their impact, or deal with the damage they may have caused your plumbing, there is help available. Call on the professional plumbers at United Plumbing for all of your plumbing needs. We’re available 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

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