Tips To Avoid Well Water Pipes Repair in Springfield Missouri

Tips To Avoid Well Water Pipes Repair in Springfield Missouri

In some rural areas in the Ozarks, your home may be on private well water. Well water has a wide range of benefits, from health to cost, but it can be susceptible to contaminants if not properly monitored. Here are some tips for maintaining your well water system to avoid well water pipes repair in Springfield Missouri.

Test For Bacteria

Bacteria can infect your well water without you even realizing it. It can creep in when work is done on the well or from any nearby animal or human feces. To prevent this from affecting your water quality, have it tested yearly to make sure no bacteria has formed. If your water looks, tastes, or smells odd, then bacteria may be the culprit. A UV light filter can be a very useful tool in helping to eliminate it.

Keep Poisons Away

We all should be mindful of the chemicals that we use on our lawn and garden, but families on well water need to exercise extra caution. Dangerous chemicals can seep in through the ground and into the well itself. Be careful where you use pesticides and fertilizers. You should also avoid storing any chemicals near your well, such as paint thinner or oil.

Inspect The Cover

The cover on your well is designed to keep soil and vermin out of your water. Over time, it can develop cracks or holes, so checking for these on a yearly basis is a good preventative measure.

Shock Your Well

Shock chlorination is the process of disinfecting a well using chlorine. This can also help eliminate odors. It can be a bit of an involved process, so we recommend reaching out to a professional plumber in Springfield, Missouri before considering tackling such a task on your own.

Consider Your System’s Age

Most well water systems typically last around 20 years. If it’s been a good while since you’ve decommissioned your previous system and installed a new one, now might be the right time for it.

No doubt you want your well water system to be effective as it can be in providing safe, clean water for your home. Follow these basic tips, and you can keep it running smoothly for many years to come. If you need any help with well water pipes repair or installing your well water system, call on your local friendly plumbing professionals here at United Plumbing.

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