Shower Valve Replacement Plumbing in Springfield Missouri

Shower Valve Replacement Plumbing Fixtures in Springfield Missouri

Your shower valve is connected to the handle that regulates your shower’s temperature, pressure, and water flow. The most popular type of shower valve is a pressure-balancing valve, which is designed to maintain a constant ratio of hot and cold water, reducing the risk of accidental scalding.

Having this valve in proper working order is important for having a pleasant shower experience.

But over time, both age and wear and tear can prevent your shower valve from working like it’s supposed to. The signs that your shower valve may need replacing are pretty easy to spot.

While issues can be caused by regular wear and tear, they may also be due to hard water, worn-out seals, worn bearings, water hammering, and aggressive or improper use of the shower valve.

Let's take a closer look at when you might need shower valve replacement for your plumbing fixtures in Springfield Missouri.

Inconsistent Temperature

The position of your shower valve determines the temperature of your water. If the water temperature is inconsistent or fluctuating, the valve mechanism may not be regulating the temperature properly.

Low Water Pressure

Since the shower valve also controls the pressure and water flow that comes through your shower head, a lack of water pressure could be a sign that the shower valve is malfunctioning. Often this is due to the shower valve becoming clogged by a buildup of mineral deposits, which requires a thorough cleanout.

Dripping And Leaking

Water leaking and dripping around your shower valve may indicate that the valve is damaged or worn out. This is a problem you would want to have promptly fixed by a professional plumber to avoid the growth of mold or water damage.


The lifespan of a shower valve is typically around 15 years, so if you’ve gone that long without getting your shower valve replaced, it may be on its last legs and in need of replacement by a professional plumber in Springfield, Missouri.

Difficulty Turning The Shower Valve

Over time, the parts of a shower valve can begin to corrode or wear out, keeping it from turning properly. If your shower valve is putting up a fight when you try to turn it, it may need either new parts or a complete replacement.

If you’re looking at shower valve repair or replacement, don’t tackle the job on your own. Give us a call here at United Plumbing.

We’re available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and we can get any work you need done on plumbing fixtures completed quickly, safely, and professionally. Call us today.

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