Save Money With Eco Friendly Faucet Installation in Springfield Missouri

Save Money With Eco Friendly Faucet Installation in Springfield Missouri

Trying to be more environmentally conscious is growing in popularity these days. It's not just about saving the planet, but also about saving money.

There are many things we can do to contribute to a greener, more eco-friendly world. Things like driving an electric car, recycling and composting or even eco friendly faucet installation can all be part of it.

What changes can a person make to their plumbing to make it better for the environment and help them save money? Let’s take a closer look at a few areas.

Pipes And Heat

It takes a lot of energy to heat water for daily tasks like showers, baths, and dishwashing. Gas water heaters create significant greenhouse gas emissions.

A lot of that heat is lost as the water travels through your pipes. As a result, your water heater has to work harder, which uses more energy.

To reduce your hot water usage, think about switching over to PLEX piping. Pipes made of this material have low thermal conductivity, so they retain heat longer.

For an alternative, cheaper option, consider having your water pipes insulated instead.

Lower-Flow Showerheads And Faucets

Many people may not realize just how much water is wasted every year. The Environmental Protection Agency states that the average home uses over 80 gallons of water each day.

The American Society of Civil Engineers recommends conservation as the easiest means of combatting the water crisis, and it starts with looking at our plumbing fixtures. The biggest water wasters are our toilets, shower heads, and irrigation systems.

In recent years, low-flow fixtures have significantly reduced water usage in countless homes and businesses. Low-flow shower heads can cut water usage by almost half while still providing a satisfying showering experience.

The average toilet uses around 7 gallons of water per flush, but a low-flow toilet can take that number down to a mere 1.6 gallons.

Eco friendly faucet installation in your home can save a tremendous amount of water for the environment—not to mention money in your pocket.

Ditching The Chemical Drain Cleaners

Chemical drain cleaners may be a quick and easy solution for clearing out a clogged drain, but they’re far from environmentally friendly. These chemicals can end up in our local streams when they go down our drains.

They can end up flowing into rivers and lakes and pollute our water supply. They can also seep into the soil, harming plant and animal life.

Instead of using chemical drain cleaners to clear out stubborn clogs, consider safer alternatives like a baking soda/vinegar mixture or a drain snake.

These are just a few ways that we can change our plumbing to be more environmentally friendly. Some changes require a simple shift in habits. Others may take a bit more work, involving the installation of new pipes or fixtures.

But it’s not a job you have to tackle alone. United Plumbing can help you with any installation project you need a hand with.

Together with the help of a friendly local plumbing company in Springfield, Missouri you can trust, you can do your part in contributing to a greener world while saving money in the long run. The environment will thank you for it.

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