Prevent Your Sink Drain From Getting Clogged in Springfield Missouri

Protect Your Sink Drain From Getting Clogged in Springfield Missouri

When your sink drain gets clogged, it can cause a lot of problems. It’s much easier to perform regular preventative maintenance on your drains to keep them flowing smoothly than it is to deal with them after they’re clogged.

Thankfully it doesn’t take much to maintain and protect your drains. Let's go over some handy tips and tricks for keeping your drains clear and protecting your sink drain from getting clogged in Springfield Missouri.

Watch What You Put Down Your Drains

Garbage disposals can be very handy, but you need to be careful about what you put down them. Your drains aren’t a catch-all for everything you want to dispose of.

Some things that you put down your garbage disposal will put up a fight. Eggshells have sharp edges that can get caught on other items in your drain, preventing them from going down. Coffee grounds bunch up into a gooey mess. Greases and oils harden as they cool and cause your sink drain to get clogged.

You should also avoid other clog inducing items like flour, cat litter and paint. Dispose these types of items in your trash instead.

Flush Your Drains Out Regularly

We don’t mean flushing your drains with liquid drain cleaners. They may be fast-working, but they can eat away at your pipes in addition to your clogs.

Instead, flush out your drains weekly with hot water. Once a month, mix a cup of baking soda with a cup of vinegar, then flush out your drain with it. Let things sit for a few hours, then run some hot water to clear things out completely. These methods will eliminate any buildup that may have accumulated over time.

Have Unclogging Tools Ready

While there are steps you can take to protect your sink from getting clogged, having the right tools handy when a clog happens is also important. Small clogs can typically be dealt with by using a classic plunger.

For bigger clogs, you have several options. A plumbing snake is great for pulling clogs out. If you want to break through them, you may opt for a plumbing auger instead. Having these tools at the ready is a great means of preparation.

But if you're not comfortable dealing with sink clogs on your own, we're only a phone call away to clear them for you.

Use A Drain Guard

Many unwanted items go down our drains without us realizing it. That’s what a drain guard can fix. These inexpensive and effective devices, when placed over your drains, can keep unwanted debris from entering your drain system.

Whether protecting your sink from getting clogged or dealing with sink clogs after they rear their ugly heads, it’s always wise to have a professional plumber in Springfield, Missouri ready to call when you need someone you can trust to make any plumbing problems go away.

United Plumbing is available around the clock to help with any type of drain cleaning, water heater repairs, sewer line problems, and everything in between.

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