New Years Resolutions For Your Plumbing in Springfield Missouri

New Years Resolutions For Your Plumbing in Springfield Missouri

Whenever a new year rolls around, lots of people start making New Years Resolutions for improving their lifestyle. But have you considered your plumbing? Here's some New Year Resolutions for your plumbing in Springfield Missouri that could put more money in your pocket and improve your quality of life.

Install A Water Filter

A good goal for the new year is to drink more water. It can help you lose weight and have healthier skin. But only if you're drinking clean, pure water. Bottled water can be expensive and all those plastic water bottles are bad for the environment.

Why not install a water filter instead? Water filters clean out sediment and chemicals from your drinking water and can help soften “hard” water so that it doesn’t make your skin dry or cracked.

Conserve Your Water Consumption

Another way you can try to save more money this year is to use less water. It's also better for the environment. Turn off the water while you are shaving or brushing your teeth. Take shorter showers. Don’t run your dishwasher or washing machine unless they’re fully loaded. Install a low flow toilet or shower head. You’ll be amazed how much money you can save on your water bill simply by watching your water consumption.

Be Careful What You Put Down The Toilet And The Garbage Disposal

Another way to save money is to avoid clogs in your plumbing. The only flushable toilet accessory is toilet paper. No diapers. No baby wipes. And no paper towels.

Be mindful of what goes down your garbage disposal as well. Avoid putting grease, coffee grounds, eggshells, bones, and other items down your garbage disposal to keep it from getting clogged or damaged.

Protect Your Pipes From Freezing Weather

January is when the cold weather really starts to take hold in the Ozarks. If you haven’t insulated your pipes yet, you need to do it soon. Especially if they are exposed to bitter cold. Be sure to let your water faucets drip when the temperatures drop below freezing to prevent frozen pipes from bursting when they thaw.

Fix Little Issues Before They Become Big Plumbing Problems

A common theme of New Years resolutions is avoiding regret. Few things make people feel more regretful than not dealing with small plumbing issues before they become big problems.

Is your sink dripping? Are your pipes making weird noises? If something seems out of the ordinary regarding your plumbing, don’t ignore it. Looking into fixing it while the problem is still small before there's a major plumbing emergency.

Call A Plumber You Can Trust When You Need One

Perhaps one of your most important goals for the new year is to be more open to asking for help when you need it. This applies to your plumbing as well. If you ever have a plumbing problem of any kind, reach out to the plumbing professionals at United Plumbing. We’re available 24/7 for all your plumbing needs all year long.

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