New Homeowner Tips For Your Plumbing in Springfield Missouri

New Homeowner Tips For Your Plumbing in Springfield Missouri

Buying your first home is a major milestone. Instead of throwing rent money away each month, you're now officially a homeowner and finally feel like a real adult. But then reality slowly starts to set in. When something in your home stops working, you can't just call your landlord. You're now the one who is responsible for getting it fixed.

And for many first time home buyers, their starter home is usually an older home because that's all that they can afford. While these older homes have charm, they also often come with older fixtures that wear out faster. So here are some tips for new homeowners for your plumbing in Springfield Missouri to help you avoid any costly mistakes.

Know The Location Of Your Water Shut Off

Your water shut off valve is something that most people never really think about until there's a plumbing emergency. If a pipe bursts and water starts flooding your bathroom or kitchen, you’ll want to act fast. Knowing where your home’s water shut off valve is located ahead of time allows you to stop the water flow until the plumbing problem can be resolved.

Every second you spend scrambling around searching for the shut off valve is more time that your home can suffer water damage, so learn its location ahead of time before you need it.

Watch What You Put Down Sinks and Toilets

Sinks and toilets may seem like a handy place to dispose of things, but in older homes, the drains usually have more build up in them and they're more sensitive to getting clogged. For your kitchen sink, avoid grease, oil or large pieces of food that can clog the drain. For toilets, don’t flush items such as napkins, paper towels, diapers or cotton products that can swell and clog your main sewer line.

Use Chemical Cleaners Sparingly

Clogs can be a pain. Chemical cleaners may seem like the fastest solution, but their effectiveness comes at the cost of being corrosive. Using chemicals too frequently can gradually eat away at your pipes. Instead, consider using a plumbing snake or other less harmful methods to eliminate clogs.

Get Multiple Estimates On Major Plumbing Projects

If you’re a new homeowner, you may be interested in making some upgrades to your home’s plumbing. The cost of hiring a plumbing company in Springfield, Missouri can vary greatly, and you want to make sure the job is done right the first time. For larger projects that aren't an emergency, don’t be afraid to contact several local plumbing companies and carefully compare the estimates that they give you. If you don't understand exactly what's included in a plumbing estimate, keep asking questions until you do.

Know When To Call For Help

Some minor plumbing problems can be solved with a plunger, but everyone needs a plumber that they can trust. If you're a new homeowner and aren't confident of how to repair a leaking toilet, then it’s important to know when the job is best left to the professionals.

United Plumbing in Springfield, Missouri has years of experience and we can help start you off on the right foot and help educate you on the best solution for any issues with your new home’s plumbing.

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