Maintain Floor Drains With Drain Snake in Springfield Missouri

Maintain Floor Drains With Drain Snake in Springfield Missouri

Floor drains are part of your plumbing system that are often overlooked until there is a problem. Any floor in your home where water can build up needs a place for it to drain, whether it be your garage, basement or shower. It's important that your floor drains are properly maintained or you will need a drain snake in Springfield Missouri to clear them so they start working again.

Make Sure Traps Are Filled

If you detect an unpleasant sewer smell coming from somewhere in your home, it could be coming from your floor drain. The trap of your floor drain is designed to prevent odors and sewer gases from entering the home. These can dry out over time if there isn't water going down the floor drain on a regular basis. If you trace the smell back to your floor drain, simply pour a bucket of soapy water down into it. This water will act as a barrier, keeping those sewer smells at bay.

Clean Out Clogs

Floor drains, like any other drains, can become clogged over a period of time. It’s usually the typical culprits: dust, pet hair, and similar objects. Thankfully, the potential solutions are similar to those of other drains as well. You can try using a plunger, a baking soda/vinegar solution, or a drain snake. Always save chemical drain cleaners as a last resort to avoid potential corrosion of your plumbing.

Check Them Regularly

The best way to maintain your floor drains is to keep an eye out for any potential problems before they crop up. A good rule of thumb is to have your floor drains inspected about every four months, either personally or with the help of a professional plumber in Springfield, Missouri.

United Plumbing understands that all aspects of your plumbing system should be given due attention and that includes your floor drains. A little diligence can go a long way into keeping your floor drains working in proper order, but if you need some expert advice or a helping hand with a drain cleaning problem, the pros at United Plumbing are here to help. Give us a call today.

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