Does A Power Outage Impact Your Plumbing in Springfield Missouri

Does A Power Outage Impact Your Plumbing in Springfield Missouri?

Most people know that water and electricity can be a dangerous combintion, but did you know that some of your plumbing actually depends on having electricity? Let's take a closer look at how an extended power outage can potentially impact your plumbing in Springfield Missouri.

If you get your water supply from the City, then it should continue flowing uninterrupted, even if the electricity goes out. But many Missouri residents live in more rural areas where they get their water from a well. Without electricity, their well pump is unable to keep water flowing. That means no hand washing, no showers, and no toilet flushing.

Water heaters can also be potential victims of power outages. Gas water heaters with tanks are typically unaffected, but tankless water heaters and electric water heaters need power to work properly. And if your pilot light goes out, then even a gas water heater needs a bit of electricity for the spark that ignites the pilot light.

If your home has a water softener installed, that also requires electricity to function properly. If you’re using UV lighting to filter and purify your water, be sure to check on the bulb before continuing to drink the water from the water softening system if there is an extended power outage.

The water that is in the reserves of your water softener will usually not have purification, but it will at least give you some water while the electricity is off.

Electric bidets are becoming popular bathroom fixtures that require electricity to heat the toilet seat, turn on the lights, activate the blower and power the water nozzle. If your power goes out, then all of these features will stop working.

Your garbage disposal also won't run without electricity. So if you have a sink full of food debris and can't run your disposal, then you could have a mess to deal with until your power gets restored.

But perhaps the most important plumbing-related item in your home that requires electricity is your sump pump. Many people count on their sump pump to removes excess water from your home during flooding conditions.

If a powerful storm knocks out your power, then your sump pump will be knocked out of commission as well. This will allow rainwater to potentially flood your basement with no means of removing it.

If you’re trying to decide if you should invest in a backup generator to keep your home comfortable during an extended power outage, consider contacting a plumber in Springfield, Missouri to give your home a thorough plumbing inspection and help you understand better what parts of your plumbing would be impacted by a power outage.

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