Does Your Main Line Need Sewer Cleaning in Springfield Missouri

Does Your Main Line Need Sewer Cleaning in Springfield Missouri?

It’s one thing to have a clogged toilet or sink. But a backed-up sewer line impacts all of the plumbing in your home.

It isn't always easy to identify when your main sewer line is backed up, but a better understanding of the symptoms can help guide you through the signs that point to a main sewer line backup and help you determine when it’s time to call a professional plumber for sewer line cleaning in Springfield Missouri.

Toilets Not Flushing Properly

You can usually fix a clogged toilet on your own if you use a plunger or plumbing snake to clear out the clog. But if you exhaust all your options and your toilet is still stopped up, this may be due to the clog not being in your toilet, but further down your main sewer line.

Keep an eye on your toilet, sink, and bathtub drains. If they are constantly causing trouble, it's time to consider that you may need sewer line cleaning.

Bubbles And Gurgling

Have you ever had your water bubble like a cauldron while it drains? These bubbles and gurgles are formed whenever water is trying to pass through a sewer line clog.

Another warning sign is an unpleasant odor permeating your home. If you notice a persistent sewer smell, that’s more than just an annoyance. It can be a clear indication that your main line is backed up and you need sewer line cleaning.

The foul smell often starts within the vicinity of the drains or sewage pipes and could gradually spread to the entire house if left untreated.

Multiple Clogs

One fixture not draining likely indicates that that individual fixture is experiencing a clog. If water isn’t draining in multiple fixtures at the same time, don’t chalk it up to coincidence or bad luck. There’s likely a connection between them: a clog in your main sewer line connected to all your fixtures that is causing them all to not drain properly.

Water Backups In Odd Places

Have you ever had water back up in your sink after flushing your toilet or wastewater back up in your tub while doing laundry? Remember that all of these plumbing fixtures are connected via your main sewer line.

A clog in your sewer line means that wastewater trying to travel away from your home hits the clog and is then redirected back into another part of your plumbing.

Sewage In Your Yard

Your yard likely has a sewer line cleanout. This handy access point is used to reach the main sewer line from outside the home. Lush patches of grass in your yard or an unexplained presence of rodents can indicate a sewer line issue.

Excess moisture from a sewer line leak can fertilize the grass above it, leading to unusually green and lush patches. Additionally, rodents are attracted to sewer lines and could indicate an underlying problem.

Another significant sign of a sewer line backup is sewage pooling in your yard. If you notice any raw sewage or wastewater pooling on your property, it's time to take immediate action. This is not just a plumbing issue but also a severe health risk.

A main sewer line clog can affect a wide variety of your plumbing fixtures, and if left untreated, may cause significant damage to your plumbing.

It’s essential not to ignore these warning signs, as sewer line problems only worsen with time. The faster you can recognize these symptoms and call for sewer line cleaning, the better chance you have to prevent severe damage to your home's plumbing system and the potential for an even larger mess.

If you're not certain if your main sewer line is clogged, our professional plumbers have the tools and expertise to diagnose the issue accurately and resolve it promptly and efficiently.

Don’t ignore the problem or try to tackle it yourself. Call on a plumber in Springfield, Missouri that you can trust for sewer line cleaning.

Whether day or night, United Plumbing offers 24/7 plumbing services to fit your needs. As your reliable local plumbing partner, we are always ready to help you ensure the smooth functioning of your plumbing system.

Don't hesitate to reach out at the first sign of trouble. Your peace of mind is our top priority.

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