Do Gurgling Sounds Require Plumbing Pipe Repair in Springfield Missouri

Do Gurgling Sounds Require Plumbing Pipe Repair in Springfield Missouri

Sometimes your plumbing might make some strange sounds. Gurgling sounds are at the top of that list. This is typically caused by air bubbles forcing their way through the water as it flows through your pipes.

As long as they don't happen too often, these gurgling sounds likely aren't a big deal. But frequent gurgling sounds in your plumbing could indicate a larger problem that will require plumbing pipe repair in Springfield Missouri to fix the issue.

Here are the most common causes of gurgling drains.

Drain Clogs

Drain clogs stop water from properly flowing down the drain. When water makes contact with the clog, it can cause the clog to expel air, leading to a gurgling noise. If multiple drains seem to be gurgling at the same time, it could mean that your main sewer line is clogging up and needs to be cleaned out.

Double-Sink Clogs

A clog in a double-sink can also cause gurgling. If the drain connecting the two sinks is clogged, it can pull air from one side to the other, creating the dreaded gurgling sound.

Venting Issues

The vent system plays a very important role in your plumbing. It regulates the air that flows through your plumbing pipes, making sure that the water flows smoothly. The air is then expelled through the roof.

If there is a clog anywhere in the plumbing system, or if something is covering up the vents, that air has to find a different avenue of escape, usually the nearest sink. The resulting sound is gurgling.

Gurgling is most often caused by a clog somewhere in your plumbing. Frequently hearing a gurgling sound can be a telltale sign that a clog is present, and dealing with it quickly can potentially save you a lot of headaches and money.

If your pipes are consistently gurgling and you suspect that something wrong, don’t leave it to chance. Call our professional plumbing company in Springfield, Missouri.

United Plumbing is available day or night to fix any and all of your plumbing problems including drain cleaning and plumbing pipe repair.

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