Dishwasher Tips From The Plumbing Experts in Springfield Missouri

Dishwasher Tips From The Plumbing Experts in Springfield Missouri

How did we ever survive without our trusty dishwashers? If your dishwasher stops working and you have to wash an entire load of dishes by hand, you almost feel like you're back in the Stone Age.

Dishwashers are great when they're working correctly. They make cleaning and drying our dishes much easier, so we want to do everything we can to keep them in working order.

Not only is regular dishwasher maintenance important, but also steering clear of any mistakes that could potentially damage them. Here are a few helpful dishwasher tips from your trusted plumbing experts in Springfield Missouri.

Avoid Over Or Under Filling The Dishwasher

If you try to put too many dishes in the dishwasher, they won't all get cleaned properly. Pay attention to where the jets are on your dishwasher and make sure the water can hit all the dishes.

But you can also waste water and electricity if you're running a wash cycle with only a couple of dishes. Wait until you’ve accumulated a decent collection of dirty dishes so that you maximize efficiency and minimize costs.

Don't Leave Too Much Food On The Dishes

Dishwashers are designed to clean your dishes, but they have their limits. Leaving too much food on your dishes can lead to food potentially clogging your dishwasher’s discharge line. It can also create an unpleasant odor.

A good rule of thumb is to soak your dishes ahead of time, so you can scrub them and get them pretty clean before you load them in the dishwasher for the finishing touches.

Use The Correct Detergent

If you've ever accidentally put regular dish soap in your dishwasher, that's a mistake you'll only make once. You'll have a LOT of bubbles to deal with.

Not all dishwasher detergents are created equal. Some powdered detergents can clump up in your pipes, potentially clogging them. Older detergents are particularly susceptible to this, so make sure you’re disposing of any powdered detergents you may not have used in a while.

Don't Neglect The Filter

Many people neglect their dishwasher filter, simply because they don’t even realize that their dishwasher has one. Your filter is typically under the bottom rack. Over time, this filter can trap excess food and other particles, eventually leading to clogs, unclean dishes and unpleasant odors.

Every few months, give your dishwasher filter a nice scrubbing with warm water.

Hopefully with these tips, you can avoid the most common dishwasher pitfalls. Our plumbing experts here at United Plumbing are no strangers to the world of dishwashers, so if you’re dealing with any sort of problem with your dishwasher, or are even looking to install a new one, United Plumbing is always here to help.

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