Danger of Water Leaks in Springfield Missouri

Danger of Water Leaks in Springfield Missouri

A little water leak can create a big issue over time if it isn't properly addressed. It doesn’t matter whether the leak comes from your sink, your tub, your washer or anyplace else. Unattended water leaks in Springfield Missouri can lead to a number of significant issues.

Deterioration Over Time

When you see discoloration in your walls or floors, it’s likely due to a water leak that is beginning to get out of control. This can eventually lead to walls and floors falling apart. You don’t want to fall through a deteriorated bathroom floor.

A water leak in a bathroom might not be noticed on an upper floor, but you might start to see problems in the basement. Especially if it's a finished basement with a drywall ceiling. These unattended water leaks can eventually deteriorate the support beams of your home, putting the entire structure in danger of collapse.

Drive Down Property Values

If a home has been damaged by water leaks that's a major red flag for a potential buyer. No one wants to buy a house full of holes, much less one in danger of collapsing. Even if repairs are done, a home with a history of water damage can cause potential buyers to be leery. Getting water leaks fixed before they become they become serious problems can prevent this and help keep property values high.

Increased Water Bill

When you turn on a faucet or shower head, it costs you money on your water bill. If leaks in your water line are causing water to come out of locations that it shouldn’t, that can be expensive. If you notice that your water bill is much higher than expected on a month when you haven't been using your sprinkler system, it's a good idea to have your water lines inspected. There could be a problem with your water meter or you could have a leak in a water line in your yard.

Also keep an eye out for water that pools up in your yard even though there haven't been any recent storms. The good news is that if you have a water leak repaired by a professional plumber, many municipalities will reimburse you for the excess usage.

Mold And Fungal Growth

Water leaks can eventually make you sick. Moisture problems lead to mold spore growth and they can fill the air in and around your home, leading to coughing, sneezing, congestion or even greater health problems. In some instances, these mold problems could have long term health implications.

The negative effects of unchecked water leaks are numerous. It is much better to take care of any water leaks as soon as you notice them. That’s where our professional plumbing company in Springfield, Missouri comes in. United Plumbing is available day or night to fix any plumbing problems you might have, including water leaks.

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