Check Your Aerator To Avoid Leaky Faucet in Springfield Missouri

Check Your Aerator To Avoid Leaky Faucet in Springfield Missouri

If you've ever had an issue with a leaky faucet or had a problem with hard water deposits clogging your faucet, you've probably started off by examining the faucet aerator. It’s the small mesh screen at the end of your faucet, and it serves several useful purposes.

Your faucet aerator is designed to mix air with the water flowing out of your faucet, leading to a host of benefits.

Lowers Your Water Bill

By mixing water with air, faucet aerators help control the amount of water flowing from your faucet without reducing its effectiveness. You get the right amount of water that you need without any excess, saving you money as a result.

Helps Filter Your Water

Filtering out debris and other unwanted particles is your water filtration system’s job, but it can’t catch everything. Your faucet aerator provides an extra level of filtration to keep your water clean and clear.

Improves Water Pressure

Faucet aerators create a buildup of high pressure, allowing your water to flow at a steadier clip. It also helps your water pressure be more consistent and minimizes sudden pressure changes.

Maintenance and Repair

Over time, faucet aerators can become clogged with sediment, lime, and other mineral deposits, particularly in areas with hard water. This can lead to reduced water flow, erratic water flow patterns or even a complete blockage.

A malfunctioning aerator can also contribute to a leaky faucet, which can lead to higher water bills and potential damage to your home's infrastructure.

If your faucet’s water pressure is low, the water is spraying at an angle instead of straight down, or the water isn’t bubbly (indicating that the aerator isn’t properly mixing the air with the water), it may be time to consider a replacement. Whether cleaning or replacing your aerator, they’re simple to remove. Simply unscrew the end of your faucet and pop the aerator out.

Cleaning your faucet aerator is often a straightforward task that most homeowners can undertake themselves. The process typically involves unscrewing the aerator from the faucet tip, disassembling it, and removing any debris or mineral buildup using a brush or soaking the parts in vinegar to dissolve the deposits. This simple maintenance can restore proper water flow and extend the life of your faucet.

When To Call The Plumbing Experts

If after cleaning, the aerator continues to exhibit poor performance, or if you are unable to remove the aerator due to corrosion or damage, it's time to call in the plumbing professionals. United Plumbing has the tools and expertise to diagnose and solve complex leaky faucet problems that go beyond the aerator itself, such as issues within the faucet or the plumbing system.

If your home frequently suffers from hard water problems, our plumbers can provide solutions that tackle the root cause, potentially saving you from recurring maintenance issues.

While the faucet aerator may be small in size, its impact on the functionality and efficiency of your home's plumbing system is substantial. Regular maintenance, including cleaning and checking for signs of wear and tear, can prevent many common problems.

If you have a plumbing problem that runs deeper than your faucet aerator, you may need help from a professional plumbing company in Springfield, Missouri. Call on the professional plumbers here at United Plumbing anytime, 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Whenever you need plumbing help, we’ll be there.

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