Backflows Cause Plumbing Emergencies in Springfield Missouri

Backflows Cause Plumbing Emergencies in Springfield Missouri

When your plumbing is working correctly, you should have clean water flowing into your house and wastewater flowing out. But sometimes your plumbing system doesn't work the way it's supposed and backflows can result. What are backflows? Why are they dangerous?

And most importantly, what can be done to prevent the types of backflows that cause plumbing emergencies in Springfield Missouri?

Plumbing backflows happen when water begins flowing in the opposite direction that it’s supposed to. If there's a sudden change in water pressure, from a water main bursting or pipes freezing, this might create a vacuum effect that draws dirty wastewater back through your pipes and into your regular, clean water supply and creates plumbing emergencies that need immediate attention.

This non-potable water (water that isn't safe for human consumption) can come from pools, washing machines, dishwashers, medical facilities, factories, or other locations, contaminating or polluting a building or even an entire neighborhood’s water supply.

This can lead to sickness or even death for those who drink it. Plumbing backflows can be dangerous and have a far-reaching impact. If this ever happens, you'll need an emergency plumber to address the problem as soon as possible.

That's why there are valves designed to prevent backflows. A backflow preventer is like a one-way gate for water. These backflow preventers work by isolating the non-potable water through cross-connections where the potable and non-potable water systems meet.

Backflow preventers are often mandatory for every building due to their extreme importance in keeping water supplies free of hazardous materials. All it takes is one location experiencing backflow problems to potentially contaminate an entire community’s water supply.

Having a backflow preventer installed and making sure it's in good working order is an important responsibility for home and business owners alike. How often should you have your backflow preventer checked? We would recommend bringing in a certified plumber in Springfield, Missouri once a year to give your backflow preventer a thorough inspection.

The professionals at United Plumbing are trained and certified to make sure your backflow preventer is doing its job for the health and safety of your family and community.

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