Back To School Tips For Your Plumbing in Springfield Missouri

Back To School Tips For Your Plumbing in Springfield Missouri

When the school year rolls around again, your family will be busy buying school supplies, prepping lunches, and visiting teachers. During this hectic time, you don't want to overlook an important part of your household: your plumbing!

There are unique plumbing-related situations that can arise during the busy back to school season, but with a little preparation, you can be ready to handle them like a pro.

Let’s take a look at some back-to-school tips for your plumbing in Springfield Missouri from your friendly neighborhood plumbing experts.

Make Sure Your Drains Are Clear

When the kids head back in school, your shower and tub will likely see increased use during the early morning hours. An increase in back to back usage increases the likelihood of the shower drains getting clogged, especially if the shower is being used by one person after another in quick succession.

If you notice that you have slow drains, get your tub drains cleaned out before the big school rush hits and they’ll be free and clear for longer.

Run That Bathroom Fan

More showers in the morning also means more moisture accumulating over time. In their rush, your family members may not think about turning on the bathroom fan, which is designed to remove excess moisture from the room.

Without the bathroom fan running, excess moisture can cause a buildup of mold and mildew in your bathroom, leading to unsightly black spots and the possibility of family members getting sick.

Make it a household habit that after your showers, run the fan for a few minutes so the bathroom has time to dry out a bit or consider installing an automatic bathroom fans that kicks on whenever there is excess moisture.

Maximize Your Laundry Loads

The school year is a busy time, full of places to go and people to see on a daily basis. That means that the kids will likely go through a lot of clean clothing in a short amount of time.

When taking the time to do laundry, make sure you’re washing full loads and not partial ones. Doing laundry uses a fair amount of water, and since school starts when the summer heat is still strong, water will likely still be in shorter supply than other times of the year.

Maximizing your laundry loads will reduce the strain on your neighborhood’s water usage and result in a smaller water bill for you.

Hopefully these plumbing tips help you avoid the common plumbing issues that pop up during the back-to-school season. Need to do some more additional preparations or need to have some plumbing work done in order to accommodate the increased work your plumbing will be doing this school year?

Our professional plumbing company in Springfield, Missouri is just what you’re looking for. Whether it's before, during, or after the school year, the plumbing experts at United Plumbing are the pros to know, and we’re ready and willing to help whenever you need us. Call us today.

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