Avoid Plumbing Pipe Repair in Springfield Missouri With Pressure Regulator

Avoid Plumbing Pipe Repair in Springfield Missouri With Pressure Regulator

The water pressure in your plumbing can sometimes be a delicate balancing act. If your water pressure is too low, it takes longer to do tasks like taking a shower, washing laundry, or doing the dishes.

But if your water pressure is too high, your pipes can suffer significant wear and tear and require plumbing pipe repair.

A water pressure regulator helps keep that balance in check, ensuring that you have adequate water flow without risk of plumbing damage.

What is a water pressure regulator? It’s a device typically located inside or near your home, downstream from your water meter.

You may not know that the pressure of the water that travels through the main water line from your local utility provider is usually too high for a standard home’s plumbing. A water pressure regulator reduces the amount of water that passes through, which reduces the pressure.

What are some of the benefits of having a water pressure regulator?

Prevents Wear And Tear On Pipes

We don't often think of water as being very powerful, because it's generally soothing in a shower or a bath. But a high-pressure stream of water can cause tremendous damage as anyone who has gotten a power washer too close to something that is painted can attest.

When water flows through your plumbing with too much force, it jostles things around. This can cause your pipes to suffer from leaks and hairline cracks, and potentially fall apart entirely, leading to flooding and requiring plumbing pipe repair to fix the damage.

Keeps Your Appliances In Working Order

Too much water pressure is also hard on your appliances. Not only can high water pressure damage your pipes as it flows through them, but it can also cause damage to whatever appliance it flows into, such as a washing machine or dishwasher, putting strain on their delicate internal mechanisms.

Saves Water And Money

The higher your water pressure, the more water that flows into your home. The more water that flows into your home, the higher your water bill. A water pressure regulator will reduce the amount of water you use and reduce the amount of money you spend every month.

Signs Of Excess Water Pressure

You may be dealing with excess water pressure and not even realize it. If you notice water dripping from your pipes or appliances, regular water temperature fluctuations, banging sounds in your pipes, or worn-out washers, your water pressure might need some regulating.

To find out for sure, it may be beneficial to call a plumber in Springfield, Missouri to perform a plumbing inspection and see where the problem might lie.

If you decide that you need a water pressure regulator, what's the next step? Water pressure regulators are available at most home improvement stores or we can order one for you through our plumbing suppliers.

Once you have one, you’ll need to get it installed and we'd recommend having the professional plumbers at United Plumbing install it for you.

Whether you need to schedule a plumbing inspection to test your water pressure or help installing a water pressure regulator, United Plumbing can do it all. Give us a call today.


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